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Thursday, 30 April 2015

Lights, Camera, Action!

How lucky are we here in 4.3? (ooh, that rhymes!)

As you may know, in year 4 we've been reading different books by the fabulously talented Michael Morpurgo. Our class has been reading "The Nine Lives of Montzuma" and today, we we've had the opportunity to star in our very own feature film based on the story!

For the past few weeks, we've worked with a professional film crew to write out a script for the book and casting our roles. Today, after all our hard work and preparation, we finally had a chance to film! Take a look!

Josh and Jess played the farmer and his wife!

We were all members of both cast and crew so we had the opportunity to explore the inner workings of the movie industry :)

Samama working the camera
 Ibrahim, Sophie, Tegan and Courtney all took turns playing the title role of the cat Montezuma at different stages of his life.

We worked under the guidance of our expert, Keith from Read to Reel. He was very helpful!

We all had a chance to try out all the equipment- It was great!

How professional does Deneco look?
Libby played the sneaky black tom-cat. We can see you, Libby!

William in his kennel aka the school shed
Once our film has been edited, we will have our very own private viewing (how posh!) in The Mac. We can't wait to see how all our hard work turns out.

That's a wrap, folks! Keep tuned for our next blog posting =]

Election Fever

We're very excited for the General Election 2015 here in 4.3; we've been learning all about it in our English lessons. We compared political party manifestos and thought of what we would add.

Later, we went for a walk around our school area to think about all the things we could change if we were MPs

We thought the littering and dog signs were good for the community.

William, Ibrahim, and Samama decided they would empty bins more often to keep them from over-flowing.

We were unimpressed with the littering in our local area!

Some of us wanted more road signs to keep pedestrians safe

If you want to see some of our classwork on the election, we have a display up in our classroom- come and see!

Friday, 24 April 2015

*Stars* of the week 24/04

It's that time of the week again

Congrats to this week's 100% and most improved spellers!

Other starts of the week...
A special award for Courtney her super work in R.E (she's very polite too!)

Congrats Tegan for your genius maths sums this week, keep it up!

Congratulations to our 2nd maths wiz of the week, Jessica. You are brill! 

Have a lovely weekend! =]

Thursday, 23 April 2015

St George's Day dragons

Happy Saint George's Day from 4.3!

As you may know, one of the best-known stories about the patron Saint of England, Saint George is his fight with a dragon. To commemorate this, we made our own dragons. Take a look!

We painted plastic cups green to make our dragon bodies

Those pointy bits are the dragon's ears

Everyone had dragon-green fingers here today!

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We used a hot glue gun to stick on the dragon's eyes and nostrils!

In the end, we took home these brilliant fire-breathing dragons

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Happy Saint George's Day, everyone!

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Wisey's Visit

We had a special visitor to 4.3 this afternoon. As you might know, our school is taking part in The Big Hoot and our school owlet, Wisey visited us during English lesson! We were using adjectives to make stories more interesting and in the end, we read our work to Wisey. Needless to say, he was super impressed!

Wisey in 4.3

Cody, reading his paragraph on getting an injection- Ouch!

Wisey looks very impressed with Lily and Kadence's work.

*Stars* of the week 17/04

It's time for our class's weekly announcements again. Have a look at some of 4.3's stars of the week!

First, a special shout-out and thank you to Tegan and Josh for entertaining us with their brilliant marital arts demonstration. They showed us all the different routines they learnt at karate class. It was very impressive!

A second big shout-out to our resident poet laureate, Jessica for her awesome rhyming. Have a look!

Check out Jess's poem!

Last but not least, a special mention to all our amazing 100% and most improved spellers of the week. It was a long list this time, we're such a brainy bunch =]
(If you want to see our top spellers each week, we have a copy up on our classroom window for parents to see).

Stay tuned for more news next week! ^.^

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

A lot of Allotment-ing

We've all got green fingers here in 4.3. We've been getting our school allotments summer-ready by planting potatoes and seeds for different vegetables. Once they grow, the dinner ladies will cook up some delicious, organic school dinner for us. Have a look at some pictures we took!

Allotment Selfie!

We prepared the soil to plant potatoes

After the vegetable shoots grow from these seeds, we can replant them in the allotment